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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Stepping Into The Greatness of Pancasila Building

EVERY year Indonesians always celebrate Pancasila Day on June 1st. This moment was used to remember the values ​​of the struggle to establish the ideology that became the foundation of the nation.

Let us tread the formulation of Pancasila in Pancasila Building located at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Central Jakarta. When the foot menginjakan feet, seen the staff was busy arranging the place for the preparation of the ceremony of the day of Pancasila.
Take advantage of time to travel around the building, because not everyone can enter the building of this former Dutch relic. From the air courtyard is very cool, and soothing from the grass garden, and fountain pool.

The tall columns are so clean, and still firmly seen as coming into the palace in Greece. After the main door, you will see traces of Soekarno's struggle, and the Agency for Investigation of Preparatory Efforts for Independence (BPUPK) in 1945 when preparing the foundation for the state.

This labyrinth, you can see deeply the circumstances around, and how the changes made during the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in that year. It was written on handwritten letters.

Then, proceeding to the left room, here is a large room that has gold ornaments on its walls. An antique glass became an ornament inside the building to make a reflection on the history of the building repeating itself, where the former House of Representatives of the Volksvraad once stood as the building was inaugurated in 1918 as a place of Dutch rule.

The building that spent 20 thousand guilders at that time was very grand and luxurious. The chairs of ancient times still look neatly arranged and sturdy. Here there is also a long table used for BPUPK meetings.
So even with the side of the room on the right, where the colonial atmosphere is so felt from the classical neo style on the roof-roof. So charming, and made the heart reluctant to leave this location. Awe from the arrangement of antiques in every corner of the room.

Then, the journey continued to the big room that used to be the first place BPUPK, indeed the atmosphere as in court, where both sides of the wooden fence usually found in the courtroom. However, now has many flags from countries that have been stored and tucked neatly.

It was only in the middle of the room that there was a huge Garuda Pancasila bird, with the basic symbols of the country. On the right, there are pancasila grains that are laid, to make this nation always remember its value.

Indonesia struggle is full of struggle. With the ideology of Pancasila, the Fatherland can stand firm and live harmoniously side by side despite different religions. To recall the following contents of the 5 points of Pancasila:
  1. Belief in the one and only God
  2. Just and civilized humanity
  3. The Unity of Indonesia
  4. Democracy Leaded by Wisdom of Wisdom in Consultation / Representation
  5. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia

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