Make a Plan of Travel to Karimunjawa Islands

Currently Karimunjawa Islands famous for its marine panorama is very elegant and awake sustainability, white sand beaches scattered at some point and the uniqueness of local culture. If you have included Karimunjawa Islands in the list of places you should visit in the near future, you should refer to the following article.
There are two paths you can take to get to Karimunjawa Islands. First, you go to Karimunjawa Islands through the city of Semarang. To get through this route you can take a bus from your hometown to Semarang and get off at Tanjung Mas Port. From the Port of Tanjung Mas you live across to Karimunjawa Islands using KMC Kartini fast boat. KMC Kartini's fast boat leaves for Karimunjawa every Saturday at 9:00 am and Monday at 7:00 am. While the departure time KMC Kartini from Karimunjawa is every Sunday at 14:00 and Tuesday at 11:00. With tickets worth Rp 131 thousand per person for VIP class and Rp 111 thousand per person for business class, you can enjoy trip crossing Java Sea for 3 half hour before reaching Karimunjawa Islands. Whereas second alternative is through Jepara route.
To get to Jepara you can take a bus from Semarang by paying a ticket of Rp 6 thousand per person. Arriving in Jepara you can take a pedicab to take to the Port of Kartini. At the harbor there are several boats that you can choose to cross to Karimunjawa, which is fast boat KMC Kartini, fast ship Ekspress Bahari and there is also ferry KMP Muria. The ticket price of Jepara-Karimunjawa fast boat is Rp 83 thousand per person for VIP class and Rp 63 thousand per person for business class. If you want to experience what it feels like to ride a ferry, just try to board the ferry KMP Muria who depart every 2 days. Ticket is cheaper, only about Rp 30 thousand per person for economy class and Rp 50 thousand per person for VIP class with distance for 6 hours before reaching Karimunjawa. Let me not bored you can walk around the ship while imagining again on board the Titanic.
Oh yes, the schedule of departure on the top can change. Ships may delay departure or even leave altogether if the weather is not possible. So we suggest that you contact the local Transportation Agency prior to the day of departure whether a ship will depart on that day or not. The right time to visit Karimunjawa Islands is March to June. Outside those months the weather in the Java Sea is often volatile and delays in departure will be more frequent.
Arriving at the Karimunjawa Islands you should look for lodging first so you can rest a while before continuing the adventure. There are many hotels and inns scattered in several places with rates ranging from Rp 60 thousand to Rp 150 thousand per night. Or if you want cheaper you can stay at the local residents who rent out their room or house into a kind of modest lodging. The people of Karimunjawa are very friendly. If you are good at approaching them, they may even offer help to take you around. This is because the Karimunjawa Islands are very rich with tourist spots and the locals must know better which places are most interesting to visit.
Looking at the name alone we already know if Karimunjawa Islands consists of several large and small islands, and most of them are not inhabitants. You can rent a motor boat to get around the Karimunjawa Islands waters area at a rate of Rp 300 thousand-Rp 500 thousand per day, depending on which island you want to go. If you are curious to see the beauty of underwater scenery, sail to Menjangan Kecil Island. In addition to the coral reefs are amazing, Menjangan Island beach is also clean of plastic waste. After that you can continue the journey to Menjangan Besar Island where you can find a shark breeding place here. By paying Rp 5 thousand per person you can plunge into the water and swim with the shark. Do not be afraid of being bitten because the age of sharks in captivity is still relatively young, so they are more docile than their older siblings who live in the sea.
Alternatively, you can rent a motorbike to explore Karimunjawa Island and Kemujan Island which is only about 3 meters away. Karimunjawa Island is rich of silent white sandy beaches, tropical rain forests, mangrove forests and you can also visit and interact with locals dominated by Javanese and Bugis tribes who have settled in these islands for generations. End your adventure by visiting Tanjung Gelam Beach to watch the sunset that will keep you always memorable on the Karimunjawa Islands.